Every 16 minutes a person in Germany becomes ill with blood cancer, including many children and adolescents. For many patients, the transmission of healthy stem cells is the only chance of survival. However, many sufferers do not find a suitable donor. For this reason, students of the University of Ulm organize again on Tuesday, June 4, “Uni hilft!”, a large action for stem cell typing and to donate blood.
From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm there is the opportunity to get typed in the Forum of the University of Ulm for the Deutsche Stammzellspenderdatei Süd (“German Stem Cell Donor File South”). After typing, tissue features of potential donors are analyzed and entered into a database. An alignment can be used to determine whether the tissue characteristics of the registered bone marrow donor match the profile of a patient. With as many typed as possible the chance increases to find a suitable donor.
The University’s Anatomical Education Collection also allows people between the ages of 18 and 60 to donate blood. Please do not forget the identity card and the health insurance card! The students are supported in the blood donation by the staff of the DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg-Hessen. After taking the blood donors can still strengthen themselves at the cake buffet or at the smoothie booth of the Techniker Krankenkasse.
Around 20 students at the University of Ulm organize “Uni hilft!” – especially from the student councils of medicine and molecular medicine. They are supported by around 15 volunteer helpers from the student body. The action is now in the ninth year. The trigger for the first edition was the leukemia disease of a student from Ulm. In the meantime, over 2400 dispensers have been typed at “Uni hilft!” In Ulm. Since each typing costs about 40 euros, the students are happy about donations in favor of the action.
Date overview
Typing and blood donation campaign “Uni hilft!”
Tuesday, June 4th
10:00 – 16:00
Forum University of Ulm
Donation account “Uni hilft!”
Recipient: IKT Ulm gGmbh
IBAN: DE25 6624 0002 0113 3016 00
Purpose: DSSD South – Uni helps