E-Motion Race Team: Lecture meets Reality
“I wanted to do something different besides my studies and therefore looked around the university. I came across the E-Motion racing team. I found it interesting and exciting to join a team of students who completely independently construct their own electric racing car and later build it”, says Stefan Pätzold, who now has the overall project management of this racing team. Whether this feels like managing a company? He could not say anything about that – after all, his professional experience was lacking. Nevertheless, he finds: “One can certainly take something for his later life. For example, working in a team with a fixed schedule. Many companies are now looking specifically for applicants who are committed to their studies and Formula Student participants are always very popular. ”
Contrary to popular belief, the racing team is not just a machine builder! Rather, the project is one that brings the various faculties of the university to a table. “At the moment, our members come from five faculties and over 20 study programs,” says Pätzold. The community is doing well: “With us, everyone can bring in their ideas and pursue what is fun. The connecting element is the common hobby”, summarizes the project manager. In the end, there just has to be a moving race car, which then has to compete on race tracks all over Europe with teams from all over the world. Lecture material becomes tangile and mobile!