Studying in the heart of Southern Germany!

First semester preparatory courses and course-related courses in technical and natural science subjects

DHBW Heidenheim

Preparatory Courses in Mathematics and Physics fill in knowledge gaps, deepen prior knowledge and prepare for the study. They are offered as basic courses for prospective and professionally qualified students as well as pre-courses for prospective students with indentures. The MINT camp for study and career opportunities is aimed at girls who want to study computer science, business informatics, engineering or physics. Excursions, projects and lectures complete the offer.

Silke Maier
Tel .: +49(0)7321 – 2722- 133
Mail: maier-s(at)

Aalen University

The success of a degree often decides in the first semester. A solid base of basic mathematical skills is essential for almost any university degree. To refresh and expand mathematical knowledge, the Grundlagenzentrum of Aalen University therefore offers a free 3-week pre-study course for undergraduate students each semester. In this preliminary course, the participants are not only prepared professionally for their studies, they also get to know their fellow students in advance. The contents dealt with in the preliminary course are assumed to be known in the course.


The preliminary course comprises 6 lessons per day – including 3 hours of lecture with integrated, activating exercises. Subsequently supervised tutorials take place in which the learned can be practiced under expert guidance. The preliminary course is structured as follows:

  • Basic course (first week of pre-course): Here, the focus is on “middle-level mathematics”.
  • Three degree programs specific Bridge Courses (second pre-week). Classification in the bridging courses is based on the study subject and is automatically organized by the Grundlagenzentrum.
  • The repetition and deepening of the basic course content (third week of pre-course) is done through intensive, supervised practice.

The pre-course is free. Read more here.

Albstadt-Sigmaringen University

The pre-courses in mathematics and business mathematics for the engineering and technical degree programs as well as courses in the field of life sciences and business management prepare students optimally for their later studies. In terms of content, the courses deal with elementary foundations with study-oriented specializations. Refreshment of the knowledge with a thematic focus is also offered by the Vorkurs Physik for students of industrial engineering and the Faculty of Life Sciences. Starting your studies at the Faculty of Life Sciences also facilitates the Vorkurs Chemie. In addition, interdisciplinary introductions to media and e-learning, time management and self-organization will take place as well as the study-relevant areas and offers of the university.

In the business simulation game easyManagement future business administration students will also have the opportunity for a business simulation game in a competitive environment. The development project Mechanical Engineering offers future students an introduction to the methodology and language of mechanical engineering using the example of the pre-development of a railcar with tilting technology.

Further information on the preliminary courses at the university Albstadt-Sigmaringen can be found here .

Biberach University of Applied Sciences

The Pre-course Mathematics is aimed at the first-semester students of engineering. He deals with algebra, elementary functions and trigonometry.

For engineering students, the Mathematics Support course will be suitable to repeat and practice topics.

The Chemistry Introductory Course follows the goal to bring the budding students in the bachelor’s degree programs in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology to a common chemical knowledge level.

Hannelore Baier
Phone: +49(0)7351 – 582-151
Mail: baier(at)

Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Students studying engineering and science will be offered a pre-course math with the following content: algebra, mathematical functions and their graphs, equations contribution equations, differential calculus, integral calculus, vector calculus.

Björn Walter
Phone: +49(0)831 – 2523-281
Mail: mathe-vorkurs(at)

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

For a bachelor’s degree in economics, it makes perfect sense to have the knowledge of a high-level mathematics course as mathematics also has a very high priority for a master in economics.

In order to supplement and/or refresh the knowledge here, one becomes Introductory Course Mathematics offered to all students of the Business Administration and Master of Advanced Management programs.

For more information click here .

Ulm University

With the Ulm University Training Camp New students from all study programs can better integrate into the learning and living environment of the university in general and the field of study in particular. By developing individual work techniques, study, learning and testing strategies should be promoted. In addition, the students should be confident and able to confidently handle their decision to study. The training camp is offered with a focus on mathematics and chemistry.


For all degree courses, the University of Ulm also offers a virtual trial courses . Those provide insights into the content and structure of the study as well as information about the study culture and the working world. This allows prospective students to check whether their ideas and interests are in line with the real study content.

Central Student Advisory Service
Phone: +49(0)731 – 50-24444
Mail: zentralestudienberatung(at)